Watchers edition by ST Boston DS Williams Literature Fiction eBooks

Watchers edition by ST Boston DS Williams Literature Fiction eBooks
Having a story in your head is not a valid reason for writing it down and publishing it. Although I found the basic idea of the plot to be intriguing, I was so distracted by the extremely poor editing that it was difficult to focus on anything else. Lila, who is identified as the editor in the afterword, should hang her head in shame.
Tags : Watchers - Kindle edition by S.T. Boston, D.S. Williams. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Watchers.,ebook,S.T. Boston, D.S. Williams,Watchers,Creativia,Fiction Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction Thrillers Suspense
Watchers edition by ST Boston DS Williams Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I chose exciting because it kept me engrossed in the story! No "dead" spots! It just really flowed and kept me on the edge of my seat! It was a very interesting story and who knows, there could very well be another world in our universe! Wonder, sometimes how some of the stuff that goes on or is found in our world, that maybe there is an other world out there! Or even a parallel world! Another book perhaps!??
This is a good read with an interesting premise. It had a fast pace and I enjoyed it except for a few nit picks I will make here. One, the over-flowery prose in the first few chapters got in the way of the story. Fortunately it diminished as the book continued. Two, I realize the author is not from the USA, but having British vernacular and slang used by American characters constantly threw me out of the story. Having the British characters use it was fine, but hearing it from the American characters didn't work for me. Three, there were a number of editing errors. All of that being said I still enjoyed the story and would recommend it.
Quite a fertile, imaginative mixture! The Watchers has ancient aliens, premonitions, crashing spaceships, nanobots, a lethal virus, the great pyramid and the Ark of the Covenant. Plus we have a heroine in desperate danger, two handsome heroes to rescue her and a loathsome villain. It was hard to take some of it seriously, but it's definitely a wild romp.
Romance is the name of the game in this book. This book delivers what we all want more romance and excitement in our life. Overall i am very well pleased with this book and the excitement it has brought me. This book had me unwilling to put it down until I turned the last page. Would I recommend this book to other people? Yes I would including friends .I absolutely think this is great book. All opinions are my own and they are not influenced by anyone but myself.If this review helped you at all please vote yes below.
This novel is a perfect example of why I dislike self publishing. The concept was interesting enough but the mechanics of writing a sentence or paragraph drove me insane!
What should have been multiple sentences—paragraphs, even—were strung together with commas. Correct punctuation allows for smooth reading flow and expression. It matters.
‘Eats shoots and leaves’ may describe the diet of a koala bear, while ‘eats, shoots and leaves’ describes the actions of someone robbing a diner; the only difference is one comma. I was so distracted by having to reread sentences due to poor punctuation that I found it difficult to just enjoy the story.
Poorly edited. Too many spelling and grammar errors to the point of distraction left me with only a small desire to finish reading. If grading this book was my job, I would give it a "C". Not yet sure if I would recommend it. Apparently the author could not find the spell-check button on his/her keyboard. Here's hoping he/she will eventually find it. Three stars is generous considering the care given in storyline and continuity versus the lack of concern in quality of presentation. I am not an English master but I have a considerable grasp of correct spelling and, therefore, find it disconcerting to stop midway through a sentence by way of the distraction of misspelled words.
I really enjoyed this book. The story itself was well-written, exciting and satisfying. I downloaded the sequel before I finished this one. And note that, even though there is a sequel, the first one is complete within itself; go on to the sequel only if you want to.
The real problem with this book is the editing. In many places, spell check left words even though they made no sense in context. Consistently, throughout the book, there are run-on sentences and comma splices. Frequently, quotation marks are used instead of apostrophes and quotes are not closed - leaving the reader to figure out what was said and what was described. The article "the" is often added inappropriately.
As you can see, I'm a stickler for this type of thing and it often spoils by enjoyment of the book. In this case, I liked the story line so much that, even though I inwardly winced at each error, I still am giving it a 5-star rating. Just beware of these issues.
Having a story in your head is not a valid reason for writing it down and publishing it. Although I found the basic idea of the plot to be intriguing, I was so distracted by the extremely poor editing that it was difficult to focus on anything else. Lila, who is identified as the editor in the afterword, should hang her head in shame.

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