Ashes to Ashes Experiment in Terror Karina Halle 9781494414542 Books

Ashes to Ashes Experiment in Terror Karina Halle 9781494414542 Books
I must sound like a broken record when it comes to reviewing Karina Halle's books. But really, every book she puts out just gets better and better. And this one is by far the best one yet. It has surpassed Lying Season as my favorite of the EIT series and is probably going to be my favorite book by Halle ever (depending on what she comes out with yet) This book is going to be tough to beat.As the second to last novel in the EIT series, this book is bitter sweet because while so so impossibly good, I know everything is coming to an end and that makes me sad. But for now, I'm not focusing on the fact that there is only more EIT book to go, but rather howamazing it is to be back with Dex and Perry and, most importantly, back in Perry's head again. As much as I loved being in Dex's head for Come Alive, Perry's voice is home to me with these charcaters and the book just felt more right with her back in the narration seat. Every neurotic thought of hers was welcome and relished and seeing how much she has grown throughout the series to get to the point she is now (an independent woman, living with the man she loves and not taking crap of anyone) is fun to see. There are a lot of references to time in this book and how long things have been going on and I believe it doesn't matter how long two people are together, it's what they do with that time that counts. And Dex and Perry have made that time count in spades.
The relationship side takes a very sexy, very serious turn in this book and I couldn't be happier. Perry and Dex are hitting their stride and despite things that occurred in the last book, I am rooting for my happy ending. With these two I know that may be wishful thinking, but a girl can dream! The sexiness is still there, hotter than ever and Dex is still my number one book boyfriend, doing and saying all the right things (most of the time...I mean, he is still Dex.) Perry seems to finally realize how good she has it and believes in herself more which only strengthens their relationship. It's wonderful to see these two finally together as they should be. I only hope it can stay that way. Add in Rebecca, one of my favorite chracters, as the so-called straight (figuratively speaking) girl to the wild and crazy or Perry and Dex, and this book has it all. Humor, sex, mystery and even a couple curves that I never saw coming and should make for an explosive finale in the last book!
I thought Dark Sky Morning was going to stay cemented in the creep factor as the scariest book in the EIT series, but I was mistaken. Ashes to Ashes takes the creep factor to a whole new level. Halle has managed to scare me in ways I didn't think possible, making this probably one of the scariest books I have EVER read, ranking right up there with my love of King for creeping me out. Dead children are obviously my weakness and being trapped in a sanatorium with a lot of them would have me running for the hills. There were times I was glad I read most of this book while it was daylight and still I had nightmares of creepy kids coming for me. Be prepared to have the horror quotient racked up to 11 and strap yourself down for one hell of a ride.

Tags : Ashes to Ashes (Experiment in Terror) [Karina Halle] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It’s been two months since Perry Palomino and Dex Foray’s relationship reached a new turning point, two months since Perry started a new life in Seattle,Karina Halle,Ashes to Ashes (Experiment in Terror),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1494414546,FICTION Horror
Ashes to Ashes Experiment in Terror Karina Halle 9781494414542 Books Reviews
This series is so darn amazing. AND even if you aren't into paranormal, you should try it out.
I'm the first to say "I don't really care for Paranormal", but I do like scary movies, so maybe this series will be alright. Well, suffice to say, I've read them all up to here so far and I've loved each and every one. You become invested in the characters (Dex and Perry) and their sidekicks...Little Fifteen, the parents, the grandmother, Rebecca, Jennifer, et al. Each "Experiment in Terror" takes us to a new place with new adventures, new characters and new scare factors. This one really hit all of it, along with a growth in romance of Perry and Dex.
"Of course you're in my future. You're the only thing I know about the future."
I keep thinking one book is a favorite, then another comes along and just ups the ante. This one was just that. It was dark, creepy, scary with a dash of romance and intrigue. Rebecca adds a whole new dimension to this twosome, but I like it. She's "not like them" and can't see the ghosts but, the more she opens up herself to possibility, she believes and has a way with those two like no others.
This story takes place at a school that used to be a sanatorium. Come on! Isn't this just a scary movie waiting to happen?! Of course Dex and Perry have to check it out and the school does not disappoint! What with the ghost kids and the darkness, the creep factor was off the charts!
"What is that thing."..."It eats hate, It devours fear. It has promised me things."
And just typing that gave me the creeps. If this book doesn't creep you out and make you love Dex a bit more, then obviously this series isn't for you. But if you've read this far, there is only one thing to do......DUST TO DUST!! 4.5 stars for this one. Perfection!!
Ashes to Ashes was everything I was hoping for and some more! This next-to-last Experiment in Terror book is perfect mixture of funny banters, swooning moments, steamy scenes and extremely creepy situations! EIT fans most definitely won’t be disappointed.
Since I really missed Perry’s thoughts, I was eager to be back to her POV in this book. In Ashes to Ashes, everyone from Perry’s family is back in picture. Even Pippa and her creepy warnings that does not really make sense. Readers will witness plenty of personal confrontations as well as some serious discussions. But most of all, you are all going to be completely freaked out!
I admit, I was scared out of my mind reading this book. Dark haunted places with not so friendly ghosts can do that to you. I had goosebumps on various occasions and I will be avoiding dark vacated placed for a very long time after reading this book. Ashes to Ashes has without the doubt secured the title of the most scariest book of whole series to the date!
Once again, Karina Halle managed to hold my attention from the beginning to the end. Noone can bring up so many emotions the way Karina does with her writing. She kept the tension and excitement without creating forced drama - I have to applaud her for that. Moreover, her ability to include memorable and funny outliners in the most unexpected (yet fitting) situations is astonishing!
And the best thing about this book? Dex is still his charming-crude-sarcastic self. It’s amazing that even in the scariest situations, he is always able to make me laugh. I am so glad that author is keeping him the same. I just love him this way!
A lot of was resolved in this book, some things have been set into the motion and it is clear that series is slowly wrapping up. Believe me when I say that I am already psyched for final instalment of this superb series!
I must sound like a broken record when it comes to reviewing Karina Halle's books. But really, every book she puts out just gets better and better. And this one is by far the best one yet. It has surpassed Lying Season as my favorite of the EIT series and is probably going to be my favorite book by Halle ever (depending on what she comes out with yet) This book is going to be tough to beat.
As the second to last novel in the EIT series, this book is bitter sweet because while so so impossibly good, I know everything is coming to an end and that makes me sad. But for now, I'm not focusing on the fact that there is only more EIT book to go, but rather howamazing it is to be back with Dex and Perry and, most importantly, back in Perry's head again. As much as I loved being in Dex's head for Come Alive, Perry's voice is home to me with these charcaters and the book just felt more right with her back in the narration seat. Every neurotic thought of hers was welcome and relished and seeing how much she has grown throughout the series to get to the point she is now (an independent woman, living with the man she loves and not taking crap of anyone) is fun to see. There are a lot of references to time in this book and how long things have been going on and I believe it doesn't matter how long two people are together, it's what they do with that time that counts. And Dex and Perry have made that time count in spades.
The relationship side takes a very sexy, very serious turn in this book and I couldn't be happier. Perry and Dex are hitting their stride and despite things that occurred in the last book, I am rooting for my happy ending. With these two I know that may be wishful thinking, but a girl can dream! The sexiness is still there, hotter than ever and Dex is still my number one book boyfriend, doing and saying all the right things (most of the time...I mean, he is still Dex.) Perry seems to finally realize how good she has it and believes in herself more which only strengthens their relationship. It's wonderful to see these two finally together as they should be. I only hope it can stay that way. Add in Rebecca, one of my favorite chracters, as the so-called straight (figuratively speaking) girl to the wild and crazy or Perry and Dex, and this book has it all. Humor, sex, mystery and even a couple curves that I never saw coming and should make for an explosive finale in the last book!
I thought Dark Sky Morning was going to stay cemented in the creep factor as the scariest book in the EIT series, but I was mistaken. Ashes to Ashes takes the creep factor to a whole new level. Halle has managed to scare me in ways I didn't think possible, making this probably one of the scariest books I have EVER read, ranking right up there with my love of King for creeping me out. Dead children are obviously my weakness and being trapped in a sanatorium with a lot of them would have me running for the hills. There were times I was glad I read most of this book while it was daylight and still I had nightmares of creepy kids coming for me. Be prepared to have the horror quotient racked up to 11 and strap yourself down for one hell of a ride.

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